January 11, 2011 Rebecca and Todd tied the knot. They finally did it!!! :) It was a beautiful wedding. They had it at my Grandma MacKay's house. April, EmmaLee, Dad, Melanie, Kash, and Myself all traveled up to Utah to see the wedding. Sadly Mother had to stay home and work, plus some one had to take care of the animals.
Rebecca had a beautiful blue dress, not very original, but gorgeous just the same. Melanie did Rebecca's hair and make-up. Todd also looked very handsome... all dressed up in his suit. He did his own hair. :) We had a good number of people show up for the wedding, considering the space that we had and the short notice that every one received. Some of the family from my mom's side came, and it was great to see them again.
We had some GOOD snacks afterwards... I think everyone loved them. There was soda, brownies, cookies, fruit salad, sandwiches, and probably lots more that I missed, or simply forgot to mention. And around the time for the wedding cake, some one brought cheese cake, and that was great, we had some raspberry syrup to have on it. There was TWO wedding cakes... on was more decorated, and the other one was a little smaller, like a cake topper, and it was vegan, so Todd and Rebecca could feed it to each other! I think it all worked out WONDERFULLY!!!